Tea Review - Puerh Tea From 1992 July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets For next article, we conducted a blind, unendorsed review of nine teas from 1992. All of the participants received their samples in bags labeled only with the letters HAM through...
Vintage Puerh - A Simple Tour Through The Greatest Vintages of Puerh Red Mark Series July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets This will be an ongoing serial covering all the aspects of vintage Puerh from identification tips to history, and even production, development collection and appreciation. We will bring the greatest...
THE WORLD OF AROMAS July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Think of a flavour, and the chances are you can buy a tea that incorporates it. There are numerous scented teas, including lemon-grass, lime, orange and ginger, cinnamon and even...
How to Store Puerh Tea at Home (Part 1) - By CHAN KAM PONG July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Chan Kam Pong is a lawyer living in Hong Kong. He has been an avid collector of Puerh tea for more than ten years. His personal experiences have benefited many...
AN EXTENDED FAMILY July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets In many parts of the world, beverages similar to tea, such as herbal, fruit or medicinal teas are called "infusions". The word "tea" is principally used only for beverages made...
Q & A with the Tea Expert - Zhou Yu July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets PROFILE Zhou Yu was born in Chungking in 1945. He majored in foreign languages and economics. In 1981, he rebuilt his family home and created Wistaria Tea House, which he...
Water, The Mother of Tea By A.D. Fisher July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets PROFILE Mr. Fisher was born in the U.S. He studied philosophy and anthropology. Afterwards he traveled to more than 40 countries, living in India, China, and Japan before finally settling...
Gong Fu Tea Brewing July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Each issue we plan to offer one method of brewing Gong Fu tea by Gong Fu Tea Set. It isn't better than any other. After all, even the masters who...
Chen Qi Nan - A Teaware Engineer; Design and Aesthetic Married - By Michael Yang July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Most of the various approaches to tea can be classified as either scientific or intuitive. Amongst the tremendous variation within these categories, most focus on either the production, history and...
Sunken Treasure Teapots from the Deep July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Many people collect Yixing all around the world, and several even have vast, museum-caliber collections, but none are like Lucas Goh of Malaysia. Lucas' passion for Yixing teaware glimmers in...
Yixing Clay Pounding July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets In the first issue we traveled to Yixing and interviewed clay master Jun Xin Chen about the way that the ores are mined from the earth and eventually processed into...
Yixing Purple Clay Master - Wang Yin Xian - By Chen Zhi Tong July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Master Potter Each issue we will offer an in-depth biography of a master Yixing potter - their life, work, recognitions and photos of their pieces. In this way, our readers...