Tea Leaf Grades July 28, 2021UmiTea Sets The final stage in the tea process is the sorting, or grading, of the leaf. As the leaf particles emerge from the dryers or ovens, they are passed through sifters...
How the Tea Grows July 28, 2021UmiTea Sets In the past, tea plants were normally grown from seed, but todays new stock is being produced more and more by vegetative propagation (from cuttings and from layered transplanted rooted...
Springs Around the China July 28, 2021UmiTea Sets Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty, in his Tea Sutra said: "The water is from the mountain ..." Our country is very rich in spring water, which is loved by...
Tea Customs Of Other Countries July 28, 2021UmiTea Sets Because of territorial difference, there are numerous methods of tea drinking in the world. Egypt: tea with sugarEgyptians like strong black tea, but they prefer sugar to milk with a...
Huizong and Treatise on Tea July 28, 2021UmiTea Sets Drinking tea was very popular in Song Dynasty. Emperor often rewarded ministers with tea, and even donated tea to foreign diplomats to show friendship. Folk tea culture is full of...
Tea Customs in Various Parts of China July 27, 2021UmiTea Sets As places vary, the weather and customs differ. As a multiethnic county, different customs of tea exist in different nationalities owing to various geographical environments and habits. Han: pure drinkingHan...
Interesting Story About Tea July 22, 2021UmiTea Sets Drinking tea instead of wine Three Kingdoms by Chenshou in Jin Dynasty had the records of such a story: whenever the king Sunhao held a banquet, the guests were asked...
Tea To Culture July 22, 2021UmiTea Sets Tea and dance In the process of sado, music is used for the creation of artistic atmosphere, because classical music highly regards sentiment, selfentertainment and life, which can help people...