The Storage of Tea October 15, 2022UmiTea Sets 1. What are the major factors influencing the quality change of tea during its storage?During the storage of tea, substances like tea polyphenols, amino acids, lipids, vitamin C, and chlorophyll...
How to Store Puerh Tea at Home (Part 2) - By CHAN KAM PONG July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Chan Kam Pong is a lawyer living in Hong Kong. He has been an avid collector of Puerh tea for more than ten years. His personal experiences have benefited many...
How to Store Puerh Tea at Home (Part 1) - By CHAN KAM PONG July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Chan Kam Pong is a lawyer living in Hong Kong. He has been an avid collector of Puerh tea for more than ten years. His personal experiences have benefited many...
Empirical Formulas for Storage of Puerh Tea<br>from Experience to Quantitative Assessment July 29, 2021UmiTea Sets After fermentation, Puerh tea should be stored in an ideal exterior environment allow the microorganisms in the tea to convert polyphenols and amino acids into aromatic and refreshing compounds. After...
Changing Attitudes Towards Quality Puerh<br>Over the Years From Hong Kong Wet Storage<br>to Light Wet Storage to Naturally Aged Tea July 29, 2021UmiTea Sets What is quality Puerh tea? I am sure many new Puerh tea drinkers have pondered this question. Depending on one's perspective, its answer may be very simple, or very complex....
Buying and Storing Tea July 28, 2021UmiTea Sets Growing interest in and demand for good quality specialty teas over the past decade or so has led to an increased availability of a wider range of products. Consumers have...