How to Store Puerh Tea at Home (Part 2) - By CHAN KAM PONG July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Chan Kam Pong is a lawyer living in Hong Kong. He has been an avid collector of Puerh tea for more than ten years. His personal experiences have benefited many...
Vietnam Highlands, Tea & Travel By Jason Fasi July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets PROFILE Jason Fasi is a native of Southern California and has been drinking tea "seriously" since 2003. He founded the Puerh Tea Community blog, and currently serves as its moderator...
Traditional Jasmine Tea from Fujian Province, China: Ethereal Cups of Sublime Tea Drinking Pleasure July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets By Mary Lou Heiss PROFILEMary Lou Heiss is the co-owner of Cooks Shop Here in Northampton, Ma a unique tea and specialty foods store established in 1974. She is the...
Enjoying the Diversity of Oolongs July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets By Guang Chung Lee PROFILEGuang has a PhD. in Chemical Engineering. He has been passionate about tea culture and Yixing since he studied in Taiwan. Now he lives in Houston,...
Finding a Cup of Puerh: Factors in the Expanding Instability of the Market July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets By Scott Wilson, Kunming Yunnan ProfileScott is an American from the west coast. After some traveling he settled in Kunming, China and founded the tea export company Yunnan Sourcing. He...
1990's Puerh Tea Review By A.D. Fisher July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets While I can find enjoyment in most any tea, I find very little pleasure in evaluating semi-aged Puerh tea. Though there is something to be learned from watching the miraculous...
THE TEA BUSH: QUEEN OF THE CAMELLIAS July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets All varieties of green and black tea come from the tea bush. This plant, a member of the camellia family, has deep green leaves with a glossy finish and serrated...
THE FIVE STAGES OF THE ORTHODOX METHOD ARE: July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets All genuine types of tea (black, green, white and Oolong) come from the tea bush Camellia sinensis. This occurs in two varieties: Camellia sinensis, originally from China, and Camellia assamica,...
CLASSIC BLACKS AND GREENS July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets We could never describe all the varieties of tea in a single book. So here are just a few of the better-known types of tea you're likely to come across....
AUTHENTIC BLENDS July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Creating the teas that many of us drink day by day involves a process of blending different varieties. In some cases, such as English Breakfast Tea, more than 10 different...
Summing Up the Puerh Teas July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Zhou Yu: These teas are all from the 90's, which means they all have about ten years of storage. The popular opinion at that time was that drinking new sheng...
92 Sha Ba Tuo Cha - I July 30, 2021UmiTea Sets Lu Li Zhen: The flavor and aroma of this tea were so weak. It was also rough on the throat. There were some sensations in the mouth, but the faults...